Staffing Services

Happy senior laptop user woman sitting on couch at home, enjoying leisure time, chatting online, watching movie, shopping on Internet. Pretty freelance business lady working at computer. Full length

Programs We Serve

  • Mental Health Agencies
  • Hospitals
  • Pain Clinics
  • Long Term Care Facilities
  • Correctional Facilities
  • Outpatient Clinics
  • Surgical Groups
  • Residential Treatment Facilities
  • Locum Tenens Staffing
  • Assisted Living Facilities
  • In-Home Services
  • Rehabilitative Behavioral Health Programs

Medical Staffing Services

LifespanCare provides permanent placement, full-time, and part-time staffing.

  • Primary Care Providers
  • Psychiatrists
  • Nursing Staff (RN, FNP, PMHNP, AGNP )
  • Licensed Therapist (LISW-CP, LPC, LMFT, LAC, LMSW, Clinical Psychologist)
  • Substance Abuse Counselors
  • Medical Directorship (Primary Care, Psychiatry)
Happy senior laptop user woman sitting on couch at home, enjoying leisure time, chatting online, watching movie, shopping on Internet. Pretty freelance business lady working at computer. Full length
Happy senior laptop user woman sitting on couch at home, enjoying leisure time, chatting online, watching movie, shopping on Internet. Pretty freelance business lady working at computer. Full length

Administrative Support Services

LifespanCare offers supporting services to meet all your facilities’ needs.

  • Compliance (QA/QI)
  • Human Resources
  • Risk Management Assessments
  • HIPAA Training
  • E-prescribing-software
  • Credentialing